About this Blog

Hello all, I'm Amber!

Who's that chic?
I’m a sister, daughter, and a 29 yr old single mom from the land of peaches, aka Georgia. In February 2011, I packed up my little sedan, and without knowing a soul and moved to North Carolina... the land of, um, furniture?? I suppose you could say that it was the start of my journey to really "discover me"; an unhurried journey that's been worth every step so far. Currently I work and live near Greensboro, NC with my 2 year old daughter who is absolutely the biggest source of my motivation and the 2nd biggest reason for my lack of sleep!!

Why ANOTHER Vegan blog?
I haven’t had much personal experience with veganism, until 2010, the year I found out that my daughter was allergic to cow’s milk, and I started experimenting with different other types of milk and dairy options for the both of us. And you know what??? Once I eliminated cows's milk (not all dairy) from my diet, I noticed significant improvements with my issues of eczema and psoriasis. I’ll admit I wasn’t as diligent with not drinking cow’s milk and eating dairy as I intended to be mostly due to laziness. But I did observe my body, and I discovered that my body has the nerve to catch an attitude when I eat like Adam Richman from TLC’s Man v. Food!! That should have been a no brainer right? It wasn’t. I needed something drastic; something that would reprogram my obsession with food and overeating.
I created this blog with the intent of documenting my journey to overcome to my southern fried mentality; the mentality that thinks life without meat is pointless, that butter rich animal based gravy is the key to life’s happiness, and that bacon should have its own holiday and parade. But let’s keep it real as they say. I also wanted to document my own personal discoveries as a vegan on a weight loss journey who also happens to be African American from the south and a single mom all with an extremely tiiiiighhhht budget. Self centered? Nah that’s fool talk. I just wanted to put my perspective out there too!

I'm definitely striving to be a HAPPY VEGAN, with weight loss and health as my number one priority.  But who knows, I might have one of those light bulb moments where I end up selling my possessions, joining the Peace Corps, and moving to Africa when it's all said and done.

In the meantime, I'll be content with getting healthy, discovering how to cook awesome vegan food, and teaching my daughter how to eat well. Of course,I’d be cool with getting a body like Beyonce if that were to just so happen too.

Here, you will find:
  • Products reviews
  • Motivation and Inspiration
  • Workouts that work for me
  • Giveaways
  • Interesting, yet budget friendly vegan recipes
  • Practical info on vegan fitness and fitness in general
Here, you will NOT find:
  • Meat eater/fat bashing and/or judgment-We all make the decision to start our self improvement journeys at different times. I want to motivate others to join the journey with me, not deter them. If you choose to eat meat, that’s your personal choice. I respect it.
  • Perfection-I'm human, I have flaws. I eat things that I shouldn't. I don't exercise every day. And I'm perfectly OK with that.
  • Obsession to be thin or skinny because honestly, I like a little meat on my bones.

Starting Weight; 280lbs
Current size:20/22
Goal Weight:150 lbs
Goal size:8-12

Thank you for checking out The Happy Vegan Plate!